Wednesday, August 25, 2010

U.S. Border is for U.S. citizens too

Well America, you may have thought the "border issue", no matter your thoughts on it, were to keep out "aliens". Think again. Our borders can also be invisble and affect thousands of U.S. born citizens....citizens that have worked hard, have no criminal record and are victims of the Texas Attorney General's Child Support Passport Denial Program. I am a R.N. I have paid well over the "Texas law" 20% that existed when the order was incurred. I couldn't reply to the Judge because I was not subpeonaed. I don't care what anyone says, I was NOT. I cannot even get a Passport to go abroad and work to earn more money to pay down the balance.WHY? Because it ISN'T ABOUT the BALANCE. It is ABOUT CONTROL and DENIAL of CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS.....just like my right to see my daughter, as outlined by the court order....Oh but the TEXAS ATTY GEN doesn't want to enforce THAT!!!! NO WAY OUT FOR ME. I paid til I was disabled, and yet my daughter will soon be 16 yrs. old and I last saw her at age 5!!!! Do you think she would know me in a crowd? Not likely.I am sure she doesn't even know my name or if I am alive, because her Dad was an ABUSER. But hey, Texas is MAN'S country, huh!? SO SHE too is being denied her CONSTITUTIONAL rights and so am I. AND I am being held prisoner in America.....why....because I had a child out of wedlock in Texas and stayed there, after asking for child support. GET YOUR KIDS OUT OF TEXAS SINGLE MOMS! Don't be a U.S. prisoner when you are innocent!!